Tuesday, August 10, 2010

About Me

 I was born in San Jose, but grew up in Sacramento since I was one year old, so "Sac-town" is my home. My dad works in San Jose, but we live in Sac, so I see him only on the weekends or occasional vacation times, so it was mostly just my mom and older brother growing up. Graduated from a low-income high school where I played the flute in Marching Band and did Color Guard and Choir (ya, I was a band geek).

I now go to college at UC San Diego and am in Eleanor Roosevelt College (ERC) where we have 6 quarters of a writing sequence called MMW (Making of the Modern World) where the content of history and the global forces are interesting except the writing sequence is long and retarded. Other than that, ERC is a great college and I love the people and dorms there. I'm in a  Business Fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi (DSP) where I heart  my pledge brothers and brothers to pieces!

Now, I'm in Vietnam to study abroad. I chose to study abroad in Vietnam because:
1) My major is international studies with a primary track in economics and secondary in political science and my focused region is Southeast Asia. I picked Vietnam because in the future, I would love to work in or for a company in a foreign country. The world is becoming more globalized and we should understand the commerce and policy of it (and it's more interesting than straight up microeconomics). I would love to get business and international experience and knowledge through internship and classes here.
2) I’m alsowant to reconnect with my Vietnamese heritage by becoming fluent in Vietnamese and experiencing the culture, people and life of Vietnam while making new friendships and bonds along the way.

I like to sing, run, and watch a lot of movies. My favorite movies are Moulin Rouge and Shakespeare in Love. In my spare time, I  like to go shopping with my friends and or sleep. I'm deathly afraid of birds, especially pigeons because they're so ugly and freaking ballsy!! and come to realize I'm afraid of dying from mosquito bites in Vietnam. I like anything French and took French for 4 years throughout college and high school except I hate grammar. I talk really fast just cause I have a lot of energy and am really excited or I just have something to say and just want to say it quickly for the sake of saying it whether anyone is really paying attention or not.  I want to travel around the world a bit more, but I've already been to various places of Europe when I went on an EF tour before college and now Vietnam!

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